We’re moving the gender needle globally. 

Rising Leaders is a truly global mid-management development program with the world’s largest organizations to achieve gender equality and inclusion.

Complimentary Masterclass

How Top Companies Drive Gender Equality

Friday, August 9

11:30am IST / 2pm SGT / 4pm AEST

Sign up for this exclusive masterclass for the APAC region – limited to 20 attendees

Friday, August 9

11am EDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST

Sign up for this exclusive masterclass for the AMER & EMEA regions – limited to 20 attendees

Gender Diversity for Mid-Management

Our unique WeQual Rising Leaders program offers all your women at mid-management level the unmatched benefits of executive support, learning pathways, insights and coaching, alongside access to a global peer group from the largest companies in the world. This bridges the gap to ensure a diverse succession pipeline running through your organization.

Why Global Companies

Choose WeQual

We recognize the undeniable positive impact gender diversity has on business. Encouraging diverse, inclusive culture drives innovation and profitability for any organization.

WeQual develops and connects diverse talent across the globe, at scale, empowering them to step forward into their space and be seen.

This empowerment translates to sustainable business success and greater employee engagement. It’s even good for the planet.

We Work with Global Organizations

We are proud to work with over 350 of the Fortune 1000. Here are just a few of our existing Rising Leaders clients:

Why WeQual Rising Leaders

The WeQual Rising Leaders Program was created to assist global organizations to develop and retain their mid-management women at a global scale.

For Your Organization 

For Your Women

Asked Questions

The main sessions are women-only, for now – and there are important reasons for this (see the next question). However, we also run regular open Think Tank sessions that any managers or leaders within your organization can attend – regardless of gender. All our learning is provided through a positive gender lens. For example, the topics addressed are often led by female executive role models, or male C-suite members talking about the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce to drive needed results.    

We’re always looking at how we can best deliver the tools, development and awareness to shift the gender dial. So if you’d like to discuss ways we can involve all of your mid-level managers, regardless of gender, please get in touch to discuss the options we can offer you on a bespoke basis. 

Simply put, the path to the top is harder for women than for men. The Rising Leaders Program is dedicated to supporting, developing and connecting women because we recognize that women need more support, not less. Here’s why this focus is essential:   

  • Representation matters: Women are in the minority. With only 5% of CEOs globally being women, the disparity in representation at the top is stark. Rising Leaders aims to challenge and change this statistic by empowering women with the tools they need to succeed.
  • Higher stakes: For women, the repercussions of making mistakes are disproportionately high. WeQual offers a safe space to learn, grow and navigate this additional pressure, with support from women leaders who’ve trodden this path before.   
  • Enabling authenticity: Women will often inadvertently alter their behavior in mixed-gender environments. Our women-only setting encourages authenticity, allowing participants to express themselves freely and confidently.

Women have to fight harder to be seen and heard in their careers than men. WeQual recognizes the challenges women leaders face and tackles them head-on. We provide the confidence, tools, connections and a safe space for women to explore and develop with expert guidance alongside global peers.

  • Experience before promotion: Women often feel the need to prove themselves more than men do. This results in women accumulating a wealth of experience before being promoted. The Rising Leaders program is tailored to leverage this extensive level of experience effectively. 
  • Work-life balance: Many women juggle their careers with significant personal responsibilities such as childcare and/or eldercare. Our program is designed with this in mind, offering flexibility that accommodates these dual roles.   
  • Closing the gender pay gap: Despite doing the same job, women can often earn less than their male co-workers. The Rising Leaders program aims to equip women with the negotiation skills and strategies to advocate for themselves.   
  • Perception of Ambition: An ambitious woman faces harsher scrutiny than an ambitious man. In our program, ambition is celebrated and seen as a strength, providing women with a supportive community that champions their goals. 

Advancing gender equality is far more than hitting a business metric; it’s a strategic imperative that drives outstanding performance across every level of an organization. We encourage all our customers to speak to the compelling business case for increasing gender equality rather than focusing purely on a gender quota target.   

  • Ethical responsibility: It’s simply the right thing to do. Gender equality aligns with the core values of fairness and equity. By ensuring gender equality, businesses uphold their moral obligation to create a fair and equitable workplace.  
  • Regulatory compliance: With governments increasingly setting mandates for gender representation, especially in senior roles, companies that proactively embrace gender equality are ahead of the curve in meeting these requirements.   
  • Stakeholder expectations: Investors, customers, and employees are all voicing their demand for equitable representation. Companies that respond to this call demonstrate their commitment to societal expectations and position themselves favorably in the market.  
  • Enhanced performance and profitability: Evidence supports that gender-diverse companies outperform their less diverse counterparts. From revenue and profitability to innovation and decision-making, the benefits of gender equality are clear and quantifiable.  
  • Sustainable futures: Companies that prioritize gender equality are more likely to embrace sustainable practices and take a holistic approach to business decisions that consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. These companies improve the lives of people generally and the planet more broadly. 

Investing in WeQual as a complement to your internal leadership program is an investment in a global perspective and diversity of thought. Here’s how WeQual can enrich your existing initiatives:  

  • Global perspective: WeQual serves as a bridge across the globe, offering insights and experiences from business leaders around the world. This external point of view can invigorate your internal programs with fresh, innovative ideas.  
  • Diverse thinking: Internal programs, while valuable, can inadvertently foster a homogeneous mindset. WeQual challenges this by exposing your leaders to a multitude of perspectives, thereby mitigating the ‘Group Think’ environment and encouraging creative problem-solving.  
  • Access to influencers: WeQual connects your leaders with some of the world’s most influential women in the corporate world, providing an opportunity to learn from their journeys. This exposure to successful role models can be incredibly inspiring and transformative.  
  • Authenticity and openness: In your internal setting, women leaders may feel the need to continuously prove themselves, which can stifle honesty about the challenges they face. WeQual creates a supportive space where vulnerability is not only accepted but encouraged, promoting genuine dialogue and collaborative problem-solving.  
  • Addressing common challenges: By focusing on shared experiences, WeQual allows for a collective tackling of issues, moving the conversation from personal struggle to shared solutions. This approach fosters a productive and less defensive learning environment. 

Interested in how WeQual can help you reach your global gender targets?

Reach out and we’ll get back to you for a chat about our WeQual Rising Leaders membership and development program.

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We will be temporarily down for maintenance from 1:45pm to 2:30pm BST on Tuesday, April 9

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